Marco Revelli
Marco Revelli
Marco Revelli is professor of political science in the Department of Juridical, Political, Economic and Social Studies at the University of Eastern Piedmont. He writes on sociopolitical themes, at the meeting point between historiography, political philosophy and the social sciences. His most recent publications include Poveri noi (We Poor People, Einaudi 2010); Finale di partito (Party’s End, Einaudi 2013); Non ti riconosco. Un viaggio eretico nell’Italia che cambia (I Don’t Recognize You. Eretical Journey in Changing Italy, Einaudi 2016). For Laterza: Sinistra Destra. L’identità smarrita (Left Right: The Lost Identity), I demoni del potere (The Demons of Power), La lotta di classe esiste e l’hanno vinta i ricchi (The Class Struggle Exists and the Rich Have Won It).