Aldo Schiavone: Storia e destino

History and destiny

ISBN: 9788806177829
publisher: Einaudi
year: 2007
pages: 109


Technology, nature, species: exercises in future and hope to prepare for the time ahead. A manifesto for a new humanism.

Our civilization has led us, through the last dizzying stretch of its journey, to the extreme edge of a threshold beyond which awaits a passage full of risks but also of extraordinary opportunities. From this brink, the experience of the relationship between past and future – the relentless arrow of time – suddenly presents itself in a new form, demanding an exercise of reason and realism, capable of separating prediction and apocalypse and completely revolutionizing ourselves. The irradiation of technology is total and involves the whole of our living: from politics to work to the construction of personalities.






Aldo Schiavone: Hostoria y destino
Amorrortu Editores 2014
Aldo Schiavone: Historie et destin
Belin 2009