Pier Giorgio Zunino

Pier Giorgio Zunino

Pier Giorgio Zunino

Pier Giorgio Zunino taught Contemporary History at the University of Turin. Among his publications, for Il Mulino: The catholic question and the Italian Left (La questione cattolica nella sinistra italiana, 1919-1945; 2 volumes, 1975 and 1977); Ideology of Fascism (L'ideologia del fascismo; 1985); The Republic and its past (La Repubblica e il suo passato; 2003); Caporetto 1917. A step away from the finis Italiae? (Caporetto 1917. A un passo dalla “finis Italiae”?, ed., 2020). He has also written essays for Italian and foreign journals and collective volumes; he also edited a publication of Alcide De Gasperi’s political writings (A. De Gasperi, Scritti politici, Feltrinelli 1979) and one of Piero Martinetti’s correspondance (P. Martinetti, Lettere, 1919-1942,  Olschki 2011). For Laterza authored the book Interpreting and remembering Fascism: the years of the Italian regime (Interpretazione e memoria del fascismo. Gli anni del regime, 1991).

Pier Giorgio Zunino: Gadda, Montale e il fascismo


Pier Giorgio Zunino, Mussolini
Pier Giorgio Zunino, Le giornate “tragicamente sacre” in Carlo Emilio Gadda