With this new collection, Antonio Prete delves into the themes that are dearest to him, and that of poetry are very pure elements: nature and time. Nature, an astral animal plant, is described in its incessant metamorphoses of colors, sounds and scents; while the irreversible action of time, “which is flash of presence and stilla | of happening,” finds in the language of poetry, in its sounds and rhythms, a moment of suspension and vertigo, in which past and present merge to allow a dialogue with what is no longer: “in the intimate theater of form | the embrace of light and shadow.” In the fading of the seasons, in the contemplation of a starry night or a beloved face, in the fleeting appearance of a wild animal, Prete's poetry approaches the essence of things, welcoming in the radiance of the visible and the struggle of memories against oblivion the silence of the sky and galaxies, “on whose border time is no longer time.”