The Illegitimate Era
Aesthetics and Politics
ISBN: 9788832854541
publisher: Cortina
year: 2022
pages: 192
The virtual universe, which seems to overwhelm the foundations of our world, comes from afar. Its earliest roots are probably concealed in a Pauline passage full of mystery, in which the advent of the mysterium iniquitatis is announced under the guise of the double, of the one who performs striking mirabilia to accredit himself as the Messiah, as the true Lord, while nothing else is but a false idol and perhaps the devil himself.
Looming, as a kind of occult destiny, is the need to transform the world into a powerful and manipulative image. Our time finally has the technological chance to make this ancient dream come true and indeed become the only possible scene. It is the ghost of the past that disrupts our future.
Are we really the uncertain, aestheticized, groundless age? Or do we instead inhabit an “other” reality, perhaps less tactile and much more psychic than the previous one, whose features we have yet to define? Based on these premises, we can try to cast our eyes on a future in which multiple dimensions of reality, the physical and the virtual, will overlap without competing with each other.