Anthropology of the contemporary

The Love Has Changed

The Post-Romantic Era

ISBN: 9788806263027
publisher: Einaudi
year: 2025
pages: 125


Is it possible to overcome the traditional myth of love without denying yourself the pleasure of losing your head over someone? Perhaps yes, provided one understands what to do if one is in love in the post-romantic era. Love has changed because the therapeutic culture, the legal institution of divorce, the struggles of the LGBTQIA + movements have expanded the morphology of love relationships. The love relationship is not just one. Not any more. Realising a love, that is, does not necessarily mean getting married, having children, having sex or living under the same roof for a long time. There are other possibilities. And these possibilities are all the more varied and concrete the more we are able to use our imagination.

From the Conclusions:

«If there is one really great thing that my very traditional family has taught me, it is that there is nothing that people who truly love cannot understand. Although it is said that love makes us look dumber than we are, I think exactly the opposite. Love makes us brilliant at understanding the fundamental laws of life and, above all, at understanding those we love.

It is a genius that makes everything that lies beneath the first appearance of things acceptable.

The way love sharpens us is not measurable in exact answers, but in the sudden and sometimes fulminating ability it gives us to change under its impulse. Resistances, fixed points and long-held convictions are dissolved within our love. The understanding of love is not abstract, it is not expressed in words, but in actions, actions that show that we have understood without adding more. Knowing how to wait, knowing how to act, knowing how to touch, knowing how to suffer, knowing how to raise or lower one’s voice. The understanding of love is nervous, it radiates from the brain to the feet, it has no boundaries and knows no contradictions.

Whatever the ampoule, it is the most powerful elixir there is: it would be a waste not to drink it to the last drop.»
