We are All Galileans
ISBN: 9788806256807
publisher: Einaudi
year: 2023
pages: 120
All begins with him. And it was an intellectual and technical revolution without equals. And with many enemies: both then and now. A new way of seeing and being in the world that still has much to teach us.
Being part of the vast and multifaceted community of Galileans does not depend so much on the profession one is in as much as on the thinking one has chosen to adopt in order to look at the world and to understand the relationship between words and things: rigorous and coherent thinking, governed by simplicity and precision and animated by curiosity, without the constraints imposed by too many disciplinary barriers. Galileo taught us this.
And, after him, Galileans like Charles Darwin and George Eliot, Primo Levi or Joseph Conrad. Because humanistic culture cannot disregard the science and technology that permeate our existence. Nor can scientific culture be reduced to mere technological production. To call oneself a Galilean today means to always build new paths that cross knowledge and trigger “meaningful experiences.” With the aim of forming women and men of the present time: more aware, and therefore freer to think and do.