Federico Vercellone
Federico Vercellone
Federico Vercellone (Turin, 1955) is Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Turin. He is a member of the editorial Board of “Iris” and the Scientific Committee of the series “Wissenschaftskultur um 1900” edited by Franz Steiner. He has founded CIRM (“Francesco Moiso” Interdepartmental Centre for Research of Morphology at the University of Udine). He is Vice-President of SIE (Società Italiana di Estetica). His most recent publications include: Estetica dell’Ottocento (Nineteenth-Century Aesthetics, Il Mulino, 1999), Morfologie del moderno. Saggi di ermeneutica dell’immagine (Morphologies of the Modern: Essays in the Her- meneutics of the Picture, Il Melangolo, 2006), Oltre la bellezza (Beyond Beauty, Il Mulino, 2008;), Pensare per immagini. Tra scienza e arte (Thinking in Pictures, with Olaf Breidbach, Bruno Mondadori, 2010), Dopo la morte dell’arte (After the Death of Art, Il Mulino, 2013).
Foreign publications Nihilismus, German trans. Fink, 1998; Beyond Beauty, English trans., Suny Press, 2018.