Davide Sisto sulla Los Angeles Review of Books

Davide Sisto: Online Afterlives

Online Afterlives, edizione inglese di La morte si fa social di Davide Sisto è stata recensito dalla Los Angeles Review of Books.

"There were some 50 million dead Facebook users as of June 2019, and the number of dead users is projected to exceed the number of living ones before too long; with each passing day, the platform is turning inexorably into a giant ghost ship. The burgeoning market for “digital end of life planning” services — with companies such as DeadSocial offering to help you sort out your “digital legacy” — reflects a growing acknowledgment that the bureaucracy of online life needs tending to in advance of IRL death. Davide Sisto, a philosopher and thanatologist at the University of Turin, has written a fascinating book on death and the internet, now translated into English by Bonnie Mcclellan-Broussard as Online Afterlives: Immortality, Memory, and Grief in Digital Culture."